Love Quote|Poetry|English

Love Quote
Love is one of the most beautiful feeling in the world.What is love? A straightforward answer to this is that love is an emotion whose usefulness is undeniable and its importance cannot be denied. We can also say that love is a ray of light which contains innumerable colors.  But when it is passed through the glass manifesto of emotions, innumerable beautiful colors burst forth and innumerable emotions grow in these colors.
Some people divide love into different types, although it is not possible to divide love, but if we accept their opinion, we can say that a mother loves her children, a teacher loves her student.  Loves, even a creator loves his creation and sometimes it goes beyond human relationships, the human child is also a creation, the most beautiful and priceless creation of nature because it is said that Allah  The Almighty loves His man(humman) more than his mother.
However, along with these loves, poets have also created another love, this is the love that we hear about from almost every young person nowadays, this love has a deep connection with the oppressive society
The poet has spoken deeply about love but it is a matter of old times that man only loved, now he has many more things to do, now it is up to you to decide whether to love or do the things of the world, sixteen  The 17-year-old will surely say that both things can happen at the same time, but history has shown that these two things cannot happen at the same time, love only asks for love, but if this spirit is used properly, then a love has Farhad's like courage and perseverance, the emperor can be defeated by this emotion of love and the moon can be conquered.

اک لفظ محبت کا ادنیٰ سا فسانہ ہے
سمٹے تو دل عاشق، پھیلے تو زمانہ ہے

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